Importance of sleep in fat burning

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A shocking new study from the Annals of Internal Medicine shows a common mistake nearly EVERYONE makes in the bedroom is absolutely killing their metabolism.

Not only does this mistake BLOCK your ability to reduce fat, it also gums up your hormones, drives up hunger, ages you rapidly, saps you of energy and damages your mental functioning.

What's worse, this mistake can force an otherwise "healthy" person to show the same type of insulin resistance and blood sugar problems as a full-on type 2 diabetic

Unfortunately, most people don't even KNOW they are making this mistake...and what's worse, the solution that fixes it in only 15 minutes a week isn't widely publicized. More on that in a bit.

The mistake I am talking about is impaired sleep.

WARNING: Don't fool yourself and think, oh, I can sleep later, I am too busy to sleep, sleeping doesn't make a difference.

If you had a choice between exercise and sleep for your health and waistline, hands down, sleep is the are the 5 reasons why:


Reason #1


Not getting enough sleep makes you RAVENOUSLY hungry and skyrockets your cravings for the worst food possible. How? Another study published in the Public Library of Science shows why.

First, impaired sleep causes leptin, your "I'm full" hormone to go DOWN by 15.5%.

Second, it causes your "I'm hungry" hormone to go UP by 14.9%.

This sends your appetite wildly out of control -- you wake up starving and completely useless until you can binge on the worst foods.

If that wasn't bad enough, impaired sleep gets you addicted to the WORST foods possible, driving your cravings for sugar, sweets and sugary carbs (breads, pasta, etc.) through the roof!


Reason #2


Leptin, the "I'm full" hormone, also controls your metabolism by influencing your thyroid hormone.

So when you don't get enough shut-eye and leptin goes down, your thyroid also goes down, which causes your metabolic rate (how many calories you burn at rest) to absolutely PLUNGE!

The result? More of the food you eat gets parked on your belly and thighs instead of being turned into energy to power you through the day.

It gets worse... most people don't know that the majority of the "fat burning" process actually happens WHEN they sleep!

During sleep, leptin triggers specialized calorie-burning fat cells (yes, you read that right) to burn up excess calories that you don't need and to release that energy as heat.

So when you miss out on that deep slumber, you deprive yourself of the PRIME fat burning window where the inches start to disappear.


Reason #3


Sleep deprivation also depresses how sensitive your cells are to insulin.

If you are LESS insulin sensitive, you need to crank out MORE insulin to clear any excess blood sugar that may be floating around.

And more insulin causes a double fat-making whammy by telling your liver to turn the food you eat into fat AND by locking fat in your fat cells so it can't be released to be burned.

Adding insult to injury, your body perceives lack of sleep to be a threat to its existence, so it fires up your stress hormone cortisol, which has been directly linked to excess belly fat.


Reason #4


Impaired sleep also damages your brain, cognitive abilities and mood.

Dr. Maiken Nedergaard, professor of neurosurgery at the University of Rochester, completed a study showing that when we sleep, our brain flushes out potent neurotoxins that are normal by-products of our waking activity.

But if you let those by-products accumulate without taking out the garbage, VERY bad things happen -- like brain fog, impaired memory, wild mood swings and trouble focusing.

Inflammation and oxidative stress also run rampant, causing even further damage to your brain and putting you at risk of developing age-related diseases such Alzheimer's.


Reason #5


You ever see someone who hasn't gotten a good night's sleep in a few days? They look totally ragged, wasted...and strangely...OLDER.

That's because lack of good sleep ages you rapidly by robbing you of the small window of opportunity during which your primary "youth" hormone works its magic.

I am talking about growth hormone -- your master rejuvenation hormone that mostly only comes out at night, helping you re-build and repair and keeping you young.

Aside from making your skin ragged, wrinkly and dry, lack of growth hormone also dramatically alters your body composition, shifting it to be MORE fat and less muscle -- NOT what you want!

So here's my 4-step formula to getting more sleep and cranking up your metabolic engine:

    Step 1: Go to bed 15 minutes earlier each week until you get to 7-9 hours of sleep.

    Step 2: Make your bedroom completely dark, which maximizes your hormonal response.

    Step 3: Calm down your brain before bed -- no TV, no internet, no exercise, nothing.

    Step 4: Eat at least 3 hours before bed time -- anything less kills fat burning.
WARNING: This formula won't boost metabolism and fight aging if you are eating the WRONG foods as most people unknowingly do.

Your metabolism will come to a halt, your energy will plummet, your thinking will slow and the ravages of aging will set in regardless of how much shut-eye you get

Here are some of the top 5 ingredients showing the greatest promise for naturally alleviating muscular aches and pains in a topical or cream application.

Here are some of the top 5 ingredients showing the greatest promise for naturally alleviating muscular aches and pains ina topical or cream application                        *1 -Glucosamine Chondroitin Sulfate: Glucosamine is found naturally in the body. It stimulates the formation and repair of articular cartilage. Chondroitin Sulfate is another natural substance found in the body. It prevents other body enzymes from degrading the building blocks of joint cartilag Applied topically, Glucosamine Chondroitin Sulfate together support healthy joints, which in turn, reduces the likelihood of muscular injuries. Clinical trials on the use of Glucosamine Chondroitin Sulfate for osteoarthritis have found promising results.                                                                *2- Gamma Aminobutyric Acid (GABA): GABA is gaining attention for promoting lean muscle growth, burning fat, stabilizing blood pressure, and relieving muscular aches and pains.                                                                        *3- Sesame Seed Oil: Due to its extensive health benefits Sesame Seed Oil is increasingly being added to soaps, lotions, creams and moisturizers. Sesame Seed Oil is rich in vitamins including A, B and E and is known to provide instant relief from muscle pain when rubbed into the affected area                                                              *4-Sweet Almond Oil: This oil is known to have analgesic properties, helping to relieve pain and stress from strained muscles. Sweet Almond Oil is also widely used for its ability to help alleviate joint pain. Rubbed into the skin, it also helps enhance circulation, therefore speeding up the delivery of beneficial properties to sore and injured muscle                              *5-Avocado Oil: Avocado Oil of course comes fromavocados. This oil is increasingly being studied for its ability to alleviate symptoms associated with arthritis and osteo-arthritis as well as for its pain relieving qualities. Additionally, as a topical cream, Avocado Oil is prized for its very high skin penetration and rapid absorption rateThese are 5 really good natural pain relief ingredients that do not harm the body or cause any side effects

Solution Inflammation in the joints

Inflammation in the joints can limit mobility and be very painful.  When the

pain is severe, it can bring strength training or weightlifting to a screeching halt.
Sometimes, occasional joint inflammation--such as the kind brought on by an

injury--can't be avoided.
There are however, steps you can take today to speed up the recovery process

should you injure yourself and more important, reduce the likelihood that you'll

suffer from other types of joint inflammation and pain.
One thing you can do is start incorporating these ten anti-inflammatory foods

into your diet. Let's take a look.
In the human body, a joint is the point at which two or more bones come together.

Us humans have about 230 of them. They have different ranges of mobility (from

no mobility, limited movement and full range of movement) and are classified by

type such as ball and socket, elbow, gliding, hinge, hip and saddle joints.
Joints can also be classified by structure, function, biomechanical properties

and more--it really gets very technical.
Regardless of the type or classification, joints wouldn't function very well if they

were just 'bone meeting bone,' because there would be too much friction. Just

like a ball bearing sealed with oil, to allow for ease of movement, human joints

have either cartilage or synovial fluid--or both--between the bones.
Cartilage is a smooth connective tissue while synovial fluid is a yolk-like viscous

fluid that serves as a lubricant. Ligaments connect bone to bone and stabilize the joints.
There are two key points to this anatomy lesson:
1) joints are very complex; and

2) we have a lot of them in our bodies.
For the most part we don't give any thoughts to our joints unless we're having

problems with them.  And when we do have problems with them, it can be not

just painful, but downright debilitating.  Inflammation is the most commonly-cited

problem or difficulty with joints.
Inflammation in joints is swelling that is actually part of the body's self-protection

mechanism as it tries to remove harmful stimuli such as damaged cells or irritants.

And when joint inflammation occurs, it inhibits mobility and causes pain.
Sometimes joint inflammation can bring about severe pain that can last for days,

weeks or longer, sometimes becoming a chronic condition that lasts a lifetime.

In some cases, inflammation in the joints is the result of a sudden event like lifting

a weight improperly, tearing a ligament or a similar type injury. Recovery from

this type of joint inflammation can take anywhere from just a couple days up to

several months, depending on the nature and scope of the injury.
Other times, joint inflammation is not caused by a single event but rather, is a

condition that builds up over time, eventually reaching the point where it limits

mobility and results in intermittent--or sometimes constant--pain.
Your metabolism plays a central role in determining whether or not you develop

joint inflammation that occurs over time and how quickly it recovers from the type

that is brought on by a sudden injury.  And fortunately, scientists have discovered

that eating certain foods can boost the body's ability to fight joint inflammation.
Not surprisingly, these are foods that are rich in vitamins, antioxidants, minerals,

proteins, healthy fats or complex carbs--you won't see any processed foods,

artificial ingredients, saturated fats or trans fats on the list below.  In fact, many

highly processed, refined foods have been shown to actually decrease the body's

ability to fight inflammation.  Here is the list:

.   Alaskan Salmon (wild is best)

.    Fresh whole fruits, vegetables

.    Bright multi-colored vegetables

.    Green tea

.    Olive oil

.    Lean poultry

.    Nuts, legumes and seeds

.    Dark green leafy vegetables

.    Old fashioned oatmeal

.  Spices, especially Turmeric and Ginger
It's no coincidence that these are foods that help the body to build muscle and

maintain a healthy weight. Strong muscles help keep joints stable and a healthy

weight reduces pressure on joints, helping to minimize--or in some cases prevent--

joint inflammation.
Eat these foods and while you might not completely eliminate joint inflammation,

you'll certainly increase your body's ability to fight joint inflammation and even

prevent it from occurring in the first place.
In selecting foods from the list, be sure to choose so you get a well-rounded

variety of healthy, wholesome, unprocessed, inflammation-fighting foods in

your daily diet. And while I didn't put it on the list, you should also be sure

to drink plenty of water every day. This helps flush toxins from your body

and keeps your joints lubricated

olive oil is healthy

olive oil is
healthy                                                                                                                             Unless you've been living under a rock, you've no doubt heard that olive oil is healthy, right

Good for your heart, lowers blood pressure, cools inflammation and extends life span -- it's why the Mediterranean lifestyle is so good for you.

But there's ANOTHER oil that runs circles around olive oil in terms of health benefits, but almost nobody knows about it for some odd reason.

It's native to the rainforests of Australia and was used by the Aborigines for thousands of years before being "discovered" by European settlers.

It's got a smooth, buttery, almost sweet taste with a beautiful, golden appearance -- you can even drink it straight. Let's see you try THAT with olive oil!

In fact, it's SO delicious and versatile that famous chefs from all around the world are using it as their secret weapon.

Use this oil and you'll get a HUGE metabolic advantage when it comes to boosting energy, thinking faster and getting rid of those extra inches that seem to keep piling on as you age.

This "super oil" has 3 MAJOR metabolic advantages over olive oil:


Metabolic Advantage #1


It's is loaded with a fat that's SO healthy even the low-carb AND low-fat camps agree you should get more of it.

I am talking about monounsaturated fat... the SAME beneficial fat found in olive oil. However, this "super oil" comes out on top containing about 10% MORE monounsaturated fat.

While the monounsaturated fat is where much of the blood-pressure-, cholesterol-lowering and life-extending benefits come from, this special fat is also a metabolic SUPER-fuel.

That's because of its relatively simple chemical structure, allowing it to be burned in your mitochondria (your cellular energy-producing factories) MUCH more easily.

That means MORE energy, better mental performance, a more stable mood, less hunger and less unwanted fat in those trouble spots.


Metabolic Advantage #2


Most people now know that having a proper balance of omega-3 to omega-6 fats is CRITICAL to staying healthy, young, full of energy and keeping those aches and pains at bay.

Too many omega-6s sets off a rampaging wild fire of inflammation that wreaks havoc on virtual every organ, tissue and cell in your body, totally destroying your metabolism and forcing you to get fat.

And while olive oil is decent in this department with only 9.8% of its content being omega-6s, this "super oil" comes in at a puny 1.7%!

That's important because the average person gets TWENTY TIMES more omega-6s than they should, so the LAST thing you need is more


Metabolic Advantage #3


Olive oil's Achilles' heel is that it's EXTREMELY vulnerable -- everything from heat to light to oxygen can damage the precious fats that it contains, killing the nutritional value and making it taste disgusting.

These rancid, oxidized fats ALSO create free radicals that damage your cellular membranes, blood vessels and even your DNA -- none of which do ANY favors for your metabolism.

Those pesky free radicals literally "rust" you from the inside out, much in the same way an apple or guacamole turns brown when exposed to the air.

This "super oil", however, is light resistant and doesn't turn rancid over time and is very shelf stable due to the tremendous amounts of antioxidants it has.

For example, this "super oil" has nearly 5 times the amount of tocopherol, a powerful antioxidant, when compared to olive oil.

So what IS this mysterious "super oil"?

Almost nobody talks about this hidden gem and it's a shame, because the list of metabolic benefits is endless -- I am talking about macadamia nut oil.

To be clear, olive oil isn't bad -- it's fantastic -- but pound for pound, macadamia nut oil is simply better -- tastes better, it's more versatile for cooking and healthier.

Plus, it also gives you an enormous metabolic advantage -- VERY important if you've had trouble getting rid of stubborn fat, particularly around your belly, hips, thighs and butt.

This next page here will show you 3 other foods that can also give you a metabolic advantage, fight aging, burn off stubborn fat, and give you a nice jolt of sustained energy to power your day.

==> 3 More Foods that Give You a Metabolic Advantage

Oh, one tip -- make sure you buy only organic macadamia nut oil that's been cold-pressed mechanically -- this preserves as much of the nutritional value as possible without damaging those healthy fats.

So  live it a try, you're gonna love it
